15 ⭐️
looking for reliable partners
Golden giveaway ⭐️
Hello my fam its DIRTY THIRTY time and today let's see the coolest picture u have ever taken we all have them in our camera rolls let's see how cool they are as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!!!
all good things please 🥹
Last giveaway before I finish my album!!
11 stars each for 5s
Who else has been stuck on one 4 star gold? Forever and ever and ever.
Help for upcoming blitz
pleaaaase 🥹
wild sticker?
help please 🥹🥹🥹
Looking to trade Unexpected Gifts for Happy Thieves
5 ⭐️trade.
Trade? :))
i thought i wouldn’t be able to finish the digging 🥹
Trading these for 9 stars each
4⭐️ Flash Giftaway!!! To enter, read the rules below and good luck!!!
8⭐️ each
9⭐️ each
Fam what happens if I open a swap back during sticker boom? Do i get more stickers or same?