New DLR stock out on test
Verdi Union made kids cry with a surprise strike at Hamburg airport on Sunday
Time Out: Frequency and methodology of cleaning Tube seats varies from line to line.
PSA: Holiday on Saturday(!), shops will be closed
Abandoned London Underground Station - Down Street, used by Winston Churchill as bunker in WW2
Very appropriate Curb opening music for the situation
Cité du Train (Mulhouse, France) - Largest railway museum in Europe
Abandoned Down Street Station - used by Churchill as bunker
Photos from Abandoned Parts of Moorgate Station
Photos from Wuppertal suspension railway in Germany
Photos: 2024 Stock in Cologne, Germany
Gerade in Köln dran vorbei gefahren. Sind das Waggons der London Underground?
Photos from Underground Museum Depot, only open a few times a year
Photos from unopened, and very delayed, S-Bahn Station at Hbf
Why weren’t post-WW2 Tube lines built with larger tunnels and infrastructure?
Where are the 400000 jobs that are being advertised for skilled immigration?
Is this worth making a report/complaint, or is this really how Germans feel?
Google Pixel Update - February 2025
Medical gaslighting: tell me your stories and why you think it happens
Abandoned Charing Cross Station - used for filming 007 Skyfall amongst others
Just a normal day at Frankfurt Hbf
Normaler Tag am Frankfurter Hbf
W train people… why is that one conductor always screaming?
Is this a pipe dream?
She is a real beloved cunt