Who’s Actually Got America’s Back? (Spoiler: Not the Billionaire)
An unforgettable insult to hardworking people
An unforgettable insult to hardworking people.
America First – Except When It’s Not: Bombs for Netanyahu, Crumbs for Americans
Elon’s $2 Billion Starlink Deal: Firing Workers, Cutting Funds, and Handing Himself the Cash
Elon’s Starlink Power Play: Firing FAA Workers, Snagging Billions, and Taking Over the Skies
Don't cut Medicaid.
Trump's Achievements: From Big Talk to Small Action, in One Simple and Beautiful Comeback!
You know it's bad when the Dictionary has to tweet about your stupidity.
Sad but true
Look in the mirror Nikki
When history echoes in today’s headlines......
$4.6 billion and 40,000 jobs lost—thanks to the artistry of our politicians.
Break It, Accuse others, Privatize It, Profit from It
Class war against the poor, waged by the world's richest man.
Capitalism is not freedom