Has anybody tried Dakota Community Centre Learn To Play Pickleball - Advanced?
Weekly Paddle Recommendation Thread (What Paddle Should I Buy?)
Still Waiting For June 39....
Who was your 1st ever Dota Hero?
Some won’t come off at all. Any tricks?
i tried Jacques Torres's chocolate chip cookie recipe and it was worth it
Am I right to be suspicious or am I just a "3k scrub" as he said I am?
Which cheesecake crust do you prefer? Pastry or cookie crust?
What an interesting way to introduce yourself
Best fried chicken in Winnipeg?
You see this on a patients monitor, what do you do? *wrong answers only*
Friend said that I don't deserve a raise because of such little schooling nursing requires.
What's hava?
LPT: if you get sucked into a TV series late at night with a lot of cliff hangers and need to go to bed, pause it during the middle of the episode rather than waiting until the end.
Best online guide for comorbidities?
does anybody know how to get on of these?
[deleted by user]
9k mid player and me immortal player are looking for offlane and supports for our team[PH]
My dad said he would make dinner today and grilled the expensive bullet steak I bought. This is the result
pieliedie is back !! - to replace Ninjaboggie at Team SMG
I dare you, I double dare you mother fucker
Obviously Valve don't want to really work on DotaPlus, but still want to get money from it
Wait what ??
LPT: Salt your eggs at least 5-10 minutes before putting them into the pan
had way too much fun designing this