If you could be any super hero, who would it be and why?
Men, what is your favorite princess movie?
You are asked to rename Earth, what are you calling it?
If you could live in any fictional world, which one would it be and WHY?
What’s your simple morning pleasure?
How do you wipe?
What in your view is the "Woman's Job," If there is such a thing?
What is better. A giant stick or a gun shaped stick? I NEED ANSWERS PEOPLE
Men, how did you find your job?
Realistically, how could you become batman?
Should you manscape and if so, how do you/what body parts?
How do you men usually express love? Or how you prefer to express?
How would you describe your dream girl?
AIO boyfriend says this is inappropriate outfit
What’s a common thing people say that makes no fucking sense?
What is the worst thing you could say on your first day in prison?
What was your best one night sex?
Just found my boyfriend on Snapchat in the bathroom
What’s one thing that makes women more approachable?
What's the one insult you'll never forget?
How do you cope with the stress of everyday life?
What is your favorite story related video game moment?
Men, what do you think a good man really is?
What demotivates you to stop lifting/working out?
What form of media do you prefer the most?