Best hardware plugins for under 40$
api 2500
Favorite colourful equalisers, software only? Not including pre amps.
I want to buy a DAW for a my nephew for his birthday
Anything like Culture Vulture that isn't from UA?
Does being a good producer require a course in sound engineering?
What's the best compressor for punchy hip hop drums?
Col John Blitch Whistleblower Interview
What is your go to vocal chain that works most of the time?
I think Elon musk is NOT a Nazi. I think he made a play.
Can someone explain to me why ProQ4 (or another transparent mastering EQ) might sound better than stock EQ?
I don't consider myself a Conservative but apparently this is the only sub I can visit without being inundated with leftist virtue-signaling over banning X links. Can I stay?
How good is ua's LA 2A compared to other copies?
Should I get an outboard EQ for tracking drum machine into DAW?
Thoughts on the DX7
Newsnation Crash Retrieval Whistleblower Interview Megathread
Hypnotic Synths And FX
What saturation do you use on your master?
Are successful new/young producers short-circuiting music theory somehow?
Things you see pros do that surprise you or go against conventional wisdom.
Trap hihats and 808‘s question
Why Are Our Campuses Seething with Antisemitism? Short answer: That’s the way radical professors want it.
Your favourite plugin compressors for drums (channels and groups included)
Expensive plugins that are actually worth it?
LANDR Plugins, Good?