How much better is Elite Division compared to Division 1
Jaap Stam Prime Hero SBC
Is Arteta’s intent to knock us out of the minor trophy comps and focus on CL and league?
Arteta will be gone end of the season
Now that everyone has calmed down, what needs to change?
One Word to describe him atm
Maybe once the Rams get eliminated on Monday we will see some action in the transfer window…
One Night In Miami. Where Do You Eat?
my recent icon packs
He's still on the run....
FT: Arsenal 0-2 Newcastle United
Matchweek 20 compared to previous 3 seasons
Membership Points Question
To those saying Arteta out… calm your t*ts, take a step back and look at the bigger picture
My neto pick came injured lol
Still didn’t believe it
Zero angle near post shots are beyond broken and are not being discussed enough
I can’t stand this gameplay anymore.
Should I Sell My Rental Property in Dublin Before the 3-Year Mark to Save on Capital Gains, or Hold It?
Who is the equivalent of theo hernandez at rb in this game? Just tried him and he is unreal
I had a hunch that I might pack a Vini promo card once I finished his POTM. Turns out, I was right lol this dupe theory man
Why these guys are so cheap despite the insane stats , how they are in game are they bad ?
80+ x 3, is he any good?