Question for the women, from a woman
For which of your opinions are you most likely to be considered weird?
I can’t afford to live on my own
Do you take vacations? I can’t recall the last proper vacation I took.
What’s everyone hyperfixations/interests atm? :)
Stupid question
What is the most embarrassing thing you bought because of a hyperfixation?
It happened!!
Who would you romance if you could?
New gerbil owner here! Is this all ok & am I missing anything?
Help me name my new budgie🥺
Anyone else?
Who's been your favorite character to date so far?
Am I the only one who adopted Lindi
New Year Feast Wheel
Which one looked better ??
Arid CUC question
What is Yours?
What legendary YouTube channel doesn’t make videos anymore?
What is a timeless name that you think will have appeal for ages and ages?
What is a name everyone seems to love but you just don't understand?
Celebs you find weirdly attractive but can’t place why?
Honor Grandmother
Husband and I are not on the same page about naming baby girl
Is this dumb? Names are hard.