Jouw dagelijkse ergernissen
Broken search form for important customer - emergency help needed
Groen verlaat als eerste Vlaamse partij X
De Morgen verlaat X
How best to transfer files from Intel MBP to M4 Pro MBP?
40 to 50 year olds, please check in?
The fastest steganography library in go
How do you 'Toggle word wrap'?
How to integrate Grafana alerts to Jira in order to get automatic tickets??
TIFU by causing a family drama over the delivery room
Waar kan je nog goedkoop buiten de deur eten?
The french keyboard layout of macbooks is the worse thing from apple by far
I would be happy if PHP had Composer as a part of the core or as an extension. Both as a package manager and as PSR4 autoloader
Money no object/after effects recommendation
Hoe heb jij het in 2024 gedaan?
Composer/packagist supply chain security questions
Just bought a new mac for the wife
MBPs better than iPads?
macOS is the perfect combination of simplicity, usability, quality and performance
New Project. Which Backend Framework?
3 uur van te voren aanwezig op Schiphol een must?
Wat is het duurste cadeau dat je ooit hebt gekregen?
Which mac pro for me?
This thing is insane
Coming from Intel i9 - should I spring for M4 or will M3 be enough?