What’s a food you’ll never eat again?
So I just found out the kid l've been taking care of for the past 3 years isn't even mine it's my cousins. Turns out my wife and him have been having affair behind my back for the 5 years we've been together.
Update on me and my girlfriend's gaming channel we hit 1K subscribers! (We started 11 days ago!)
Doctor watched my pp grow and was shocked. Odd title lol
How to Last long in bed
So sorry... But no
What meal did you have to eat as a child that you absolutely hated?
Why are Ubers allowed to cancel even though they’re at your location?
Am I supposed to have my own home and family by 23?
Why are YouTube shorts terrible?
What's the horrible habit you want to get rid of?
My mom is trying to get into gaming, what games y'all reccomend
Thinking of moving here is it safe?
Y'all got 0 taste
Do you have morals? If so, what are they?
Which is the best gta city