GEMINI! Open discussion on the relationship and sex life between Scorpio + Gemini
I wanna know where you guys are from????
Geminis who hate gossip…
What month are you from?
Why would a scorpio female do this?
Is your life better or worse than most people you know?
What are your Top5 SRK movies?
Scorpio intuition vs tarot
Guys want to be in relationships, but is it as worth it after getting into one?
Best sexual/ intellectual compatibility ?
What are you currently doing right now?
All Zodiac Signs: list some stereotypes that (coincidentally) resonate with you and ones that don't
How would a Scorpio man like to spend his weekend
In your opinion, who is the worst at keeping secrets? Or just information to themselves 👀
Goodmorning, why is Scorpio so hated ?
Live Life
Based on true story :)
Do you feel your personality matches your zodiac sign?
Does that make me weak?
Desire for connection
Do Scorpios ever stop ‘testing’ someone?
Stalking Scorpio
My Scorpio crush didn’t clap for me when my name was called at graduation