My girlfriend peels her oranges into dicks
I guess the chicken just tastes different
WIBTA if I put a lock
WIBTA if I put a lock on my bedroom door so my GFs mother can’t sleep in our bed
What is the most overhyped fast food?
My best friend’s GF ruined my food. I don’t know how to tell my best friend that I’m pissed with his GF.
TIFU by not realizing my kid was walking by behind me. Now there's enough trauma to discuss with a future therapist.
How to fill cavity at home
My gf values *quality* jewellery
Got my (22M) fiancée (23F) only a pair of earrings for Valentine’s Day, she is upset and devastated
You hear a faint cry of help inside, do you go in?
Strange Wisdom Tooth?
Is it possible to clean your teeth too much?
Where Does America Sleep?
Are my gums super receded?
The edits make her look even worse lol.
AITA for telling my friend she’s not as skinny as she thinks?
My cats absolutely hate dental wipes; any alternatives/chewables?
I guess, I’ll be deleting the dating app that I barely use for the 100th time lol (Hinge)
Kitten sucking on clothes
Marriage and divorce rates by state [OC]
does anyone else ever get scared of being alone with their cats?
What’s a movie or show that traumatized you as a kid?
What is an instant annoyance at a hotel?
Massive porn influx destroys my friends email account.
I hate when people do this!
What country are you sure you will almost certainly never visit?
My mom was given this by the hospital (Fairview Southdale in Edina, MN) my brother and I wore born in.