Gostaria de acrescentar algumas coisas sobre o meu relato de ontem
Meu pratinho novo!
How this relationship worked/work?
Guia de proteção e bruxaria
Random tip
Shame and distrust
Tamanho da guia importa muito?
Will we be together in the future?
Question about Candles and color/energy
Penultimate day of the year!
Difficulty remembering
Craziest thing you've ever done as a witch?
What should I bought next??
altar boost
Most disturbing reading you've ever done?
What do you like about Lenormand compared to tarot?
my next year!!
Comecei a aceitar bem meus traços negróides e entender que boa parte das críticas que sofro são racismo mascarado... mas minha autoestima ainda é meio baixa. Alguém poderia citar bons pontos do meu rosto?
If gyaru is mind, christian can be gyaru?
I need help!! How do I get these curls
i think I was the daughter of my ex friend in past life