I’m married to a roommate
My wife loves me but isn’t in love with me
Really unsettling experience on the 5 toward Ocean Beach on my way home from work today
Japantown Safeway closing due to crime
What did you buy as an adult because you were denied it as a child?
Share your Spotify Wrapped 2024~ What are your top songs and who are your top artists?
What is heaven for you?
Hospital waiting room argument
American teacher publicly tells Latina student the US has gated communities because “we don’t want to be with your kind.”
What is something that instantly puts you in a good mood?
Eligible voters in the Bay Area who aren’t voting, why?
Hornet shochu
Hornet shochu is a drink made from Asian giant hornets, the world's largest hornet, and shochu, a Japanese alcohol.
Those of you who lived in the city during the 80s/90s: what aspects of SF’s past do you miss the most? What aspects have seen real improvements in the past 20+ years?
What is the perception of the USA in Malaysia?
When will the updated MM2H be launching?
What methods do you have for coping with anxiety?
North Korean kids crying because of some shitty gifts from their leader
Is there a prevalent tension between Malays and Chinese people?
He doesn't need anyone to dictate boundaries, guys
Bed designed to protect you during earthquakes
Is it relatively easy to apply for MM2H visa in Malaysia, without going through an agent?
Father defending his daughter in the women only coach.. agree or disagree? How would you handle this situation if you're one of the passenger in this coach & it happened in front of you? Source: The Malay Mail
Stepped on Sea Urchin! Doctor said they cant do anything about it❗️❗️
There's a shoe sale going on in Los Angeles
The painting of Bill Clinton wearing a dress that was found mounted in Jeffery Epsteins townhome