Max Pain is 23$ for next week
Just got this creature as my scav
Barrel/Handguard Length
Transforming Scav
Can you get to here?
(WTS) Magpul Mlok bipod, SOLGW barricade stop, cheapo stock, Endplate, suppressor wrap
Talking about roundabouts
Had the tarnished woken up before the grafted scion got her, what sort of character do you think she'd have been?
Malenia help
Keep Him Away from Me
320 carry threaded barrel dilemma
[WTS] CZ scorpion stuff, AR grips, braces, SI link anchor, Arisaka ZRC.
[WTB] ($1,000,000) Remington 11-87 12ga composite stocks
[Cheating] Just constant accounts like this on streets ruining the game for everyone ! love waiting 10 mins to match to die to these freaks. Hacking their fucking asses off.
Finished my Scorp
(WTS) stocks, scorpion magazines, bipods
Carbine Evo 3 or sp5k?
Kill me... I don't like this fight, or this DLC... This is dumb, this fight is overtuned... Kill me... Please...
I can't kill the owl...
How did Sam find the cure for the virus?
This game is making me paranoid about missing things
[Cheating] CPU fryer cheat.
How do I get down here in the Altus plateau
Coolant Change