What's the most satisfying defeat of a bad guy in movie history?
What's the most satisfying defeat of a bad guy in the history of cinema?
Authors that write similar to Stephen King but without the - in my opinion- weird s**t King does sometimes
Kreative für cooles gemeinsames Filmprojekt gesucht
Non-profit Filmprojekt
Wo gibt es gute Ramen in Regensburg?
How to prevent the Manfrotto Magic Arm from starting to wiggle inside the Super Clamp
Problems importing Fujifilm RAW (RAF) into Resolve
Having troubles importing Fujifilm RAW (RAF) to Resolve, please help
Is there any way to take photos in flog(2) on the X-H2s?
I try to persuade myself to upgrade from the GH5 for f*****g YEARS! But man, it just DELIVERS even after all these years (did this short documentary recently, I thought you might enjoy it)
Just wanted to share this short documentary, thought you might like it (did it myself)
Did a short documentary about a really cool Alfa Romeo restoration garage. Thought some of you might enjoy it. Cheers!
Did a short documentary about an Alfa Romeo garage that does really awesome restoration projects. Thought you might enjoy it. Helpful criticism always welcome!
Walking with EasyRig
How would you prefer to die?
An awakening is such a beautiful experience.
Just finished a passion project of mine shooting with my GH5 and my anamorphic setup and now I am looking for honest criticism. Enjoy watching!
Just finished a passion project of mine shooting with my anamorphic setup (GH5+Canon FD 50mm1.4+Konica Hexanon AR 40mm 1.8 + Kowa 8z) and now I am looking for honest criticism. Enjoy watching!
Did a short fashion commercial for a local second hand store with my GH5, how do you like it?
Did a short fashion commercial for a local second hand store, how do you like it? (GH5+Kowa 8z)
Problem of using multiple display luts for V-Log
Is the curvature in the image of a 50mm Full Frame lens on a MTF Camera really the same as a 100mm on a Full Frame Camera?
Used the GH5 as a chest-mounted action cam
A ROMAN LEGACY | Ducati Panigale V4