How do guys feel about being around girls who like them?
Are guys only friends with girls who they find attractive?
Chat did I get rejected??
How HARD is it really to get a 9?
How do you all get girlfriends?
3-2 to 5-5 in science and 3 to 4 in maths—possible?
what sport does your crush play?
Girl icks?
Do guys actually care for perfume?
Most beautiful/attractive hair colour?
My crush says she’s mean to only me
Why do guys always end up liking the same type of girl?
Have I completely messed up?
How do you feel about “nice” girls?
What should I do to get a guy to like me?
What kind of compliments ??
Advice, please!
my crush is so weird
Advice on how to approach my crush?
Be honest, is your crush really a 10?
How do guys like to be approached?
What compliments do men like?
Teen guys help !!!