Harry tired of the many expectations he can't live up to, finally rebels, muggle style
What's the program, website, or app that you still mourn?
Harry listens to Pearl Jam
Ellie’s popularity
How do we feel about the TikTok ban?
Will someone notice if a razor is missing from the pack?
Do You Ever Reread Your Fics Just for Pure Enjoyment and No Other Reason?
Elisa, my belly girl.
What is the oldest fandom that you read or write for? That one that still has your heart after all these years?
thinking about putting self harm scars on this school project, opinions?
Attending Nurse thinks I smoke cigarettes
Just found out my 16 year old has been self harming and tonight he overdosed off sleeping pills.
An immortal invisible Harry bumps into an "ordinary" person. 😉
I wanna become like Akito irl
I got banned but I am back yay.
Who am I supposed to tell?!
What throws you out of a fic?
My coworker make jokes about SH repeatedly
What’s the dumbest thing a doctor has ever told you
Year of the snake
Seeking WLW Recommendations
Does anyone else bite themselves?
You probably don’t need to wash your clothing as much as you do
Once candles burn out, I melt the wax to create Super Candle