accused of big nose and smelly armpits, millions must be turned to soap 🧼🫧
It's the first consecutive year of declining GDP since early 2000s
frikandel Amsterdam speciaal - a couple of friends of mine went to study in the N*therlands and showed me this as an example of the w*stoid food. One of the prime reasons to stay in the Balkans ngl
wArUm FaHrEN DiE BöSeN rAdFaHrEr NiChT aUf dEm rAdWeG?!!?!?
scariest hungolian legend (translation: Bestiarum Hungaricum, magical beasts from Hungarian folk mythology. "Fehér Ember" means "White man/person")
Which song comes to your mind when you think of a certain country
I don't fear noun cases anymore
Warum bei Hartz IV (Bürgergeld) nicht einfach Ehrenamt-Pflicht (egal was), während man einen neuen Job sucht?
Nichtwähler, was müsste sich ändern, damit ihr doch zur Wahl geht?
The best version of Tu vuo’ fa’ l’Americano
How would you define technocracy in one sentence?
Average German couple
Porridge: Oats with fruits and nuts
Belgian banner?
Is it possible to pursue a CS degree while working full time?
What should I do? Need Advice.
Berlin is not for beginners
Is programming a nice thing to learn to pass the time?
Balkan bros can we all agree in one thing that gullash is absolutely tasty?
Did this crest belong to Hitler??
Welcome Back Mao's Little Red Book!!!
Guys, would you date a Norwegian girl?
Welche veganen/vegetarischen Ersatzprodukte mögt ihr gern?