joke from my class GC, who would win this hypotherical war?
My objectively correct opinion on European countries
We need moff snacks
"am I allowed to cheat?"
Wich VPN u use and why?
Autism go brrr
Then click it 30x when you put it back together
Is it okay to have lava lamps this close to the tv?
One word
Tell me which state you live in
What should I do about this?
Send me your offensive memes
Built my first PC hope it runs cool, 10 years old
What do I say?? 😭
Guys will see this and just think "hell yeah"
I’m 6 years old and build my first PC!
Mods. Please.
guys they cancelled the RDR2 (jhonny sins) movie 😭😭😭
day 2: Jhon Marston (yes, I know I misspelled john) and dutch, (I have decided to do 2, and maybe 3, people per day instead of 1 to save my already dwindling sanity, y'all decide who is who)
RDR Fan Cast
This random book at my uni library uses this sub's fav font
Day 1: Arthur Morgan, create the rdr2 movie cast (if I missed anyone, let me know).
I am become Death, destroyer of worlds. AHAHAHAHA