I met a guy in the elevator when shopping in a mall.
How often do you all text before the first date?
Pursuing women feels wrong
Guys who stayed in the friendzone after asking a girl out, what happened? Did anything at all come out of it?
I think my own natural body odor smells nice. How do I know that I don't stink to other people?
If you could reset at 16 with all your knowledge now, what would you do differently and the same?
"Isn't MM/DD/YY going in order from smallest to largest?"
Ladies, how do you feel about quiet reserved men?
When is dating a younger man in a different phase of life a bad idea?
Weekly Vents and Successes Thread - January 13, 2025
Men who went from having zero dating life to having a great dating life when older, how did you do it?
How have you ever obliviously or stupidly missed some really obvious hints from someone interested in you and did it end up working out anyway?
Foam vs liquid. Why is foam so much more expensive?
What is your experience with hair transplants?
What casual outfit on a woman do you love the most? What about hairstyles? Accessories?
Is the norm of dating that everyone is seeing multiple people?
How do you feel about the TikTok ban? Probably not the best threat to post in, but I wish to hear people's opinions.
How much did you pay for your first apartment?
Pixel x86: A New Mini MS-DOS & Windows Gaming PC!
What’s something every guy should know before getting into a relationship?
What Do You Think About Zeta Males?
What was your ‘I’m not man enough for this situation’?
Would you date a doctor?
Does she even like me?
ELI5: How do the pedestrian buttons at stoplights actually work? Why do some stoplights have them and others don’t?