How do I do this as sustainably and cost effective as possible?
There's a good sale going on right now
Will Ik ever come out of jail
what do you with leftover vape juice?
what do you do with leftover juice
Racism towards Afghans?
What are some topics we’re still not ready to discuss?
Vapers, what would make the perfect vape shop for you?
Vape shop owners/employees
Tell me your favourite NFAK song
Was the world created in 6 or 7 days ?
Kashmir is an INTEGRAL part of Pakistan
Female vapours
Any android tablet that gives the same handwritten notes experience as an iPad? Budget is kinda low, around 60-70k.
Does anyone genuinely enjoy using nicotine (smoking, vaping, snus)? Or does everyone secretly want to quit?
canadian walnut tobacco
New to vaping please help me with good nic salt brands and flavors
Is this good
Hi everyone need some knowledge...
Mouth irritation
juul menthol-like juice
What would you remove from Karachi ?
Cig smoker here. Recommend me flavors that aren’t sweet and menthol!
Recommendations for tobacco flavored salts