Question: Have any of you had to pay more after given the CAD due to being “mis quoted”?
Anyone else’s power bill nearly doubled this month?
Homemade meatloaf in a red gravy, Mac n cheese & green beans has gotta be my all time favorite comfort meal.
UPDATE: ring from Kuololit and the gram discrepancy.
Deciding between lab or moissy
Golden crumbed basa and garlic mash 8/10
Tigerlily looks pregnant! Her face is also very swollen. Not sure what look she was going for on this zoo trip. Whatever it was, she missed it!
Stone and setting separate
I am torn! Help!
Alexandrite, Hexagon Setting
It's finally here!
Wedding band… too much?
Is there any way I can check if my kidneys are a match as a transplant to someone over multiple states away?
Ckd and periods?
The Joy of Arriving Early
Fistula advice
Possible Transplant In Next 24hrs
New cvc catheter
Tried my hand at the Swedish Meatballs
rare cut diamond 🩷
AKI, already have an appointment today but would like some advice and information
Advice for my dad, stage 4 & 80 years old
Looking For: Cushion Cut with a Rose Gold Band
Help ID’ing my Girlfriends Sisters Dog