he is ripe
feast for the beast
‘Prognathodon’ overtoni
hello tiny people inside my phone you get a wip
quick and messy gigantspinosaurus
Martillichthys renwickae
Lambeosaurus, art by me
Oviraptor for Djadochta July
you know what time it is
they grow up so fast 🥲
a guy
Learning how to draw a triceratops, advice is welcome regarding accuracy
he is happy today
all he feels is rage
Falcarius enclosure
he will be eated
more Toby
sketch of baryonyx and immature mantelisaurus
Hungry man
Can someone help me identify this puffer? Saw this at the LFS and they kept insisting it's a pea puffer (although its almost 2.5 inches in size) and said it doesn't have ich even though it looks like it does