Is keto a good option for me?
Moving from PS5 to PC
How bored am I? Bored enough to play the remake many times...
Bought an Xbox for the first time! What games do you all recommend?
Italy bans cultivated meat products
PSA: Final day to get 6 months free Apple TV+ on PS5
Anyone else stuck here?
Magic The Gathering em Almada
New (returning) player confused about what expansion to start
[Homemade] Gilthead bream (Dourada in Portuguese) with tomatos and a onion bed. Sauce was white wine, paprika, olive oil, garlic, chilli pepper and rosemary (both from my miniature farm)
Demorar mais tempo a acabar a licenciatura do que é suposto. Quais as consequências?
Sem dizer o nome da cidade, diz-nos onde é que vives.
Nothing special, just photoshopped bloodhound in the jungle
Eminem will be eligible for indicution in the upcoming Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Your username dictates your death, how do you die?
I wasn’t expecting this..
PS5 Vs XBOX Series X
Gaming Pupper
Just got a PS4 after years of only playing an xbox - what are the best exclusives I've missed?
Despite all, can't deny that NC really is beautiful, hope everyone gets to experience this in the near future.
Death Stranding is 50% off on Steam
PS5 upgrade?
Been offered a job in other company, need help
Gonna buy one of the new systems. Left gaming behind in 1998 with Final Fantasy 7 on PlayStation. What would you recommend? XBOX OR PLAYSTATION? I’m interested in artsy things - open world? Puzzles. Sports. FPS not a priority.