Did you know if you take the 22nd-24th of April off, you get 10 days off for only 3 days of leave?
Anybody interested in going halves on a load of firewood for the winter?
And the excitement is building for………….fried chicken
Best wishes for those who are back on deck tomorrow...
LPT: Make sure you have verified backups of all your important data and documents.
When is too early to WHAMAGEDDON our neighbours? I'm thinking 7pm.
Washing a patchwork quilt?
Well, that was like being in Monsoon season; walking from Plaza to Library as it totally let loose.
what’s the best sandwich you’ve ever had?
Sorting through my parents old Christmas decorations and found this. Early 80s I think.
Beware of Hello Fresh!
The best tomato sauce...
Join the /r/Wellington daily chat topic - Friday, September 13 2024
Really glad we're on the other side of winter so I can enjoy sunsets like this on the Capital Connection commute home.
For the ones who make over $150k a year, what do you do to get that?
The Daily Rant/Moan topic - Wednesday, August 28 2024
Five words you never want to read
Culley's and Eta team up to produce spicy potato chips
Florida Man's colon falls out of body after a 'powerful' sneeze
Mmmmmm. Pizza night.
Are you still WFH?
Steam shave
Is there any greater trust than handing your partner your phone to browse the web without first checking your open tabs or auto complete?
What’s something you did that seemed harmless at the time, but actually proved to be extremely dangerous?
Hashigo Zake to close on 8 March