"I've fallen and I can't get up!" - Disability automations
4 'minderjarige alleenstaande vreemdelingen' veroordeeld voor groepsverkrachting dakloze vrouw (33) in Helmond
New images of the S25 Series
Am I the only smooth brain that bought this card?
What is your SO's favorite automation?
Detecting shower usage
ABS GF prints are just 😚👌🏼
Need Help. Getting shiny layers on my print as shown in pic. The Flow and speeds are consistent unlike the actual print. The shiny parts on the print seem to line up with the layer time. Any info on a fix is much appreciated.
PSA: camera feed works on LAN mode with P1S!
HA on 'regular' phone screen
Got lucky with free gifts
Gf says pizza was too thin. Used 360g doughball for 16”.
Best selling games of 2024 in Germany (physical and digital). Interestingly Last of Us 2 remaster outsold many new games.
I don't understand video game graphics anymore
Thanks Bambu
Perfect rice in a pot every time
Apple opts everyone into having their Photos analyzed by AI
TIL to disable auto update on important add-ons
Automation with custom time from dashboard?
Vindicated after 25 years! Proved my physics professor wrong with help from my P1S!
Proximity Sensor is periodically dropping to zero, is there a fix?
What’s everyone using for displaying wall mounted dashboards?
Oil in squeeze bottles
what’s going on here?
What is this small square called and is it worth trying to repair with no experience?