Gra dla kogoś kto nie jest gamerem?
When did your heartburn start?
Jakie są najbardziej odklejone od rzeczywistości teorie spiskowe które usłyszeliście/przeczytaliście?
What is that one food you are DEVOURING once pregnancy ends?
Shopping for maternity clothes in person is apparently nonexistent?
Which teas are safe to drink during pregnancy?
It’s December! Officially birth month! Anyone else?
What is the name of this polish snack?
3rd trimester and feels like day is over at 7 pm
"żeby w Afryce było lepiej"
Did you shave before going to hospital?
Due date
Let's talk about stretch marks!
Can’t sleep at night, can’t stay awake during the day.
Today I found out my daughter has a horseshoe kidney. Any mums who experienced that with their babies?
How the heck do I get this baby out before 40 weeks?
Fart a hole through a brick wall
When did you start to actually feel pregnant?
Biggest pregnancy annoyance- blocked nose
Jaka jest najgorsza polska książka?
How much caffeine is everyone having?
Looking for family-friendly flat for me and my fiancé.
Do i have a chance at completion?
When I’m in a most boring and overrated movie competition and “Pearl” walks in
jestem 14 letnim kucem i to jest głębokie