How to ask a friend to cuddle?
Shade or St Pete’s?
For a character that has very little screen time in the original trilogy, why was/is he so popular
Going to a con in a couple days need your help, which of these actors should I meet? Can only pick 2
What is your favorite movie poster? Mine is this version of the empire strikes back poster
These look real to you guys? Got them from market place for a decent price
How do I become more tolerant of other people?
Do any of your celebrity crushes have anything in common with each other?
There are 206 bones in the human body, what makes you have 207?
Who is your top 3 celebrity crushes
What was the last film that made you think WTF?
How did you meet the love of your life?
Does anyone have a nickname for a supervisor you don’t like?
Where are all the lovely people of ARAD from?
What are things that can be said that turns you on?
Are you sexually active?
How many sexual partners have you had?
What do I do after she gives me a bj?
Who was sigmund Freud?
How long does it take for you to cum from a bj?
What do I do after she gives me a blowjob?
Need someone to explain this to me…
I need some help here…
Any suggestions on what I should nut to