Hey everyone! What song does this picture remind you of?
Anyone else feel this way?
2017 Jetta 1.8T Sport!
what artist has you like this when they come on
Lord Huron personality song quiz
If this photo were a song, what song comes to mind for you?
How many of you guys been lonely your entire life?
Mk6 jetta tuning help
You're on a airplane, who are you sitting with?
Like seriously??? I walk past the terrarium. And see this….
Show me yoru last saved image and ill decide in what Ring you belong in
Why does Petsmart put these daggers in all of their soft aquarium plants? Is it safe to cut it without releasing small plastic? Burn the tip?
AIO just received this text from my boyfriend
Did my little guy make a bubble nest?
Best friend is having a baby… I googled it and apparently a few people have that name, but is it not literally the word “ashtray”???
She showed up again
Delphine :)
Advice on looking less disgusting/weird? 17M
What can I do here to be less disgusting?
I don't really like any of the Noriker colors, so I made my own
Still have the lid from when I bought her almost a year ago!
Do you let your pet sleep with you on your bed every night?
Should I add to this or leave it?
Friday feels
My sweet girl is 15!