The wear on my two year old AO50s Tele
Made this solo for a Paul Davids backing track
Heavy gain, bendy Tele leads!
My enten for Chris Buck’s solo competition
Boss Katana jam in the Living room!
HX Stomp Soldano amp sim clean tone
Pickup Options/Comparison
Made some heavy riffs with my Tele!
Three years with unchanged board!
Best twang I’ve had so far
Best Delay these days? Timeline? EchoSystem? DD200/500?
Miserlou on a Tele!
Made some riffs with my AO50s Tele!
Doing some Winehouse on my Tele!
Improvising over «Lost on You» with raunchy Tele
If «Lost on You» by LP was just one big guitar solo
Hotel California solo on a Tele!
Come on man, I had a rough night!