How did people pass time on long flights before phones?
Am I the asshole for letting my daughter say “no” to a boy who asked her to homecoming??
Executive leadership is toying with the idea of giving us all a pay cut. Has me disheartened.
AITA for refusing to pay for my brother’s wedding after he kicked me out of the bridal party for getting engaged?
What is the craziest thing a Christian has said to regarding your atheism?
Hybrid Forester and Outback
Landlord wrote up a lease addendum after I had guests over because my roommate complained.
Do you eat peach skin?
AITA For Telling My Husband Correct Information About A Croissant?
Genuinely how is this possible?
What's wrong with my looks?
Preceptor pay rates
Am I a hypocrite or ignorant if I don't want to watch a christian evidence video?
AITAH for getting a tattoo my boyfriend doesn’t like?
I found out some disturbing things about my partner (M35) and I (F33)and need to know if I should leave or stay?
Mom doesn’t let me Shower everyday
Male feminists, what are some successful tactics y'all have used to de-radicalize other men?
No I don’t want to play step mom
How much would you put up with for amazing money?
Is it weird to reject someone because of the profession?
Are there any disadvantages of raising children bilingual?
Can you think of a horror film where the villain actually had a point?
What's something everyone loves that you secretly can't stand?
My best friend is dating my abuser and wants me to reconcile with him so I kicked her out of my home.
AITA for not changing the name chosen for my son because my sister who struggled to have a child wants it for hers?