How do you not care about what others think about you?
I got some spots appearing on my body the past couple of months. Any idea what it is i'm getting worried
Can someone tell me what this is?
New(ish) itchy… mole?
What are all these red spots on my body??
Any idea what this could be?
How to enjoy being outside alone?
Why would a guy message you out of the blue months after the conversation ended?
I am going to have 4h of school weekly, do you think I could work full time?
I keep seeing 55 and 222, what does it mean?
Quanto ganha um auxiliar de Fisioterapia? Como arranjaram emprego na área?
How do you handle increased anxiety when you have no occupation/job?
What does it mean when someone likes ALL your instagram stories?
Are these Nike Air Max SC good for standing all day?
How long do brain zaps last after tappering down medication?
Would you date someone who shares their dog with an ex?
What does it mean when you text someone for days and then you spend weeks without contact?
Iniciei um trabalho e tenho 90 dias de período experimental. Vou no dia 51 desse período e pretendo sair. No contrato nada menciona sobre o aviso prévio. Posso sair sem aviso prévio?
How do you deal with being left out at work?
Does Xanax cause memory issues?
Is the immune system weaker or stronger after Covid?
I have Covid and have been feeling ill for 3 days now. How long does it take for it to pass? I start a job on the 10th and I am afraid I won't be able to make it.
Is going from 1mg Xanax to .50 too much of a reduction?
When you are home for extended periods of time without an occupation/job does your anxiety get worse as well?