On horses in LOTR
The ending of "The Houses of healing" chapter is so powerful!
Thoughts on Elladan and Elrohir and their role during the War of the Ring
What would happen to Elrohir and Elladan if they die at the Black Gate?
This scene on Cerin Amroth is such a jewel!
'Your own eyes has betrayed you' - passage is so awesome!
Elrond and the One Ring
Can we just marvel at how awesome Elrond is for a moment?
Aragorn is so fascinating for this exact reason
Aragorn - a character between despair and hope
How was Pippin able to talk about his experience with the fellowship to Denethor for an hour without giving any hint about the ring?
Can someone explain why ya’ll are weirdly obsessed with Aragorn?
How was Sam able to wear the ring in Cirith Ungul with no consequences?
Denethor is an image of Aragorn with just one significant difference
If Saruman had laid low and waited few thousand years, would he have regained his power?
The discussion about blindfolds in Lorien gets me grinning every time!
Why does it take Aragorn to explain things to Bilbo?
What is your favorite chapter or sequence of chapters in The Lord of The Rings? (And Why?)
What do the elves in Valinor do exactly?
Cirdan getting old without a ring
What if Aragorn's objections to Bilbo's song were serious?
Speculation on Gondorian names
How does mortality manifest for Arwen and Luthien?
Low magic loopholes?