How do you fight/build against ww because everything I look of seams to be out of date also gw feels like it does nothing
Riot Doesn't Understand Warwick
I need help understanding why this build is bad?
Axiom Arcanist on Warwick?
Is Warwick in a better state right now
State of warwick jg
Are you guys having trouble picking Warwick?
Why is ww broken again?
Real Question Coming From a Noob
Who do you think are the strongest jungle champions as of now?
Warwick is not weak, nerfs where great and he is going to be nerfed again.
Warwick is dead high elo. Jungle winrate is 42.7% and Toplane is 49.8% Master+.
w linger is the most fun I had on the dog in a while
Macro jungle adjudtment to hotfix nerfs (partial rant)
My thoughts on Warwick's current state + the rising criticism
You did it Riot! You killed Warwick Jungle!
New to Warwick (jungle)
The W changes were a mistake.
Ww feels unplayable
If you're versing Neeko, run Smite
Thebausffs: "There are some top laners in the LEC that are completely boosted. They’re really, really bad. They’re paycheck stealing. They don’t belong there."
As a 1 trick warwick player, who do you play when WW gets banned? Cause he's getting banned a ton right now. Never had to deal with this before
Will Warwick become the worst Diamond+ jungler after the nerfs? Place your bets now.
Well, it's all going to shit