Pulled off a 1v5 Ninja Defuse in ranked. The randoms in my team lost their sh*t lol
What do you think of this play
Alright, now I have some plans to improve the A10. What do you think?
Who to invest in the daily special offer?
Worst aim in rainbow six siege
Sorry to say, the economy changes aren’t working. These guys can’t even afford tracks.
Pulled a WT Victory Is Ours trailer on him
Why can't we have premiums like this (M48A3 with 3x M2 / 2x M2 + Minigun from AH-1G)
#1 reason I play this game is the community and friends I made, across multiple KD’s and multiple nationalities. Had my first born baby today and they set me up with a showing of support.
i drew a tiny tank amx 13, it's not really war thunder related but i hope you guys like it...plz Gaijin add more french vehicle
Which civilization should I go with?
Who should I pick
11lb Hybrid Striper!
Caught this 5.34 pounder on a lipless crank bait
Caught my first largemouth!!
Rate my city layout
Got the whole family
Does this mean McKay is dead?
What does a farm base do
No Fishing
Ooooooh yeah
They’re just admiring in their own way.
When the kingdom doesn't rise
Prettiest Bluegill that I have ever caught.
First Bass of the year