I Got Caught Smoking Cannabis on the Beach in Thailand – My Costly Lesson
Uruguay or Puerto Rico
Riot stock is on the rise. When will it stop? When the market corrects BTC I bet BTC/RIOT corrects too. Any idea when this bull run will correct?
Just the beginning
3 week Morocco road trip
3 week road trip
Why do most Europeans view air conditioning as unhealthy?
Even with all the encouragement and advice from family and friends I still can't find the motivation or drive to live life. I'm tired.
Smoking at concert
Does anyone have an empty MO Dank concentrate gram jar they could weigh for me?
What other drugs don't go well together with K?
What St Louis business will you never visit again?
Took 1mg Xanax 2 hours ago. Very high tolerance but want to do the last of my k (.25) a will I waste it because of the benzo effect?
3g and nothing…
2cb headspace compared to mushrooms or LSD
Weird, kinda gross question for you all.
I have .3 left… easiest way to k hole
Why does weed always turn on you at some point?
If you had 50-100 grand loaned to you for a business. What would you start?
Interaction at Forest Park today
Where is the best place for an employer to find veterans?
Air conditioning question
Air conditioning
TSA help - this is different than other posts regarding same topic