The cats
Variable fee from skip
What happened to Staph's postings??
I might be wrong but…
Rental Application Fees?
Steph and her fake accounts
Wow. . .
Drew’s Ex Addresses FB Post
“Including his exes” talking about people making money off them??? Maybe if he PAID HIS CHILD SUPPORT TO HER SHE WOULDNT NEED TO!?
Ahh yes struggle meal time 🙄
Speeding ticket?
I almost ordered skip.. lol
Hold on a minute. Re: Bankruptcy
Content Idea for Staph 🤭
So it’s her mom’s fault she’s bankrupt and can’t get a job??
Three weeks. Her daughter was born on this jacket three weeks ago. It has been marinating in birth fluids for three. weeks.
Why are the kids not in the actual bedroom?
The Tale of W2: The Monster Who Steals Your Soul... and Your 401k
Full meltdown in the comments section has started
Busy busy
Their next rental
Deshawn’s Custody
I dialed in to the eviction hearing so y’all didn’t have to. Here’s the details.
Whose fault is it really lol
This comment wins lol