What your FAVORITE instrument that you have yet to learn? (Image unrelated)
Useless band fact of the day #7
This is my highschool band. It's fun I think.
I Met Sypher Pk!!!
Should I start a gofundme for vbucks?
Give me names for my air island monsters go wild with the names
Almost there! Full reveal tomorrow...
Which chp6 loading screen is better
Should epic make the time on these shorter?
Who’s more gullible?
If you had to remove one POI what would you remove
It seems as though you clicked the link. You were probably curious as to if I was legit (I am. Check the bio)
you're a miner, harry
Which rare dream mythical do you want next
Sypher what's going on?
The Top 5 WORST musical instruments ever invented (Like these are worse than crap)
Guess where I live based on where I’ve been
Would anyone be interested
Update to my recent post (switching to sax)
A tier list of the monsters based of how would they do as pets.
am I the only one who sees this?
Top 5 Comments Change This 1939 World Map
Pick your steak
What should I name my alto sax