30k boys ,keep going
How to vote for Brandon as ATF Director
C-SPAN | ATF Director Testifies in Support of the Hearing Protection Act
Tag Susie Wiles on Brandon's X post and vote!!
Brandon starts campaigning for ATF director
Brandon Herrera For Director of the ATF
CMMG 9mm BCG/Barrel Ejection
How do I start reading the bible?
Starting the CCW process in Alameda County
[Alameda County CTA] Email Supervisor Lena Tam requesting hiring more sheriffs to process CCWs
Franklin Armory CA7 - running a CMMG 22LR conversion kit
Dissent Shipping Times on OpticsPlanet
How many AR-15’s did Jesus own?
Another win with Holosun customer service!!
Dissent compatibility with Banshee/older CMMG barrels
FPC extended magazine release.
Joined the FPC club
Don't know where else to post this but does anyone use 16340 rechargeable batteries in their Eotechs instead of CR132a batteries?
Dissent upper
Holosun SCRS shipping/release date?
First gun for young family
Anyone review the Dissent 9mm yet?
Feedback on upcoming AR pseudo-build
Info on Hobart Mills/Boca Reservoir shooting areas (and public ranges in general)