What should I put in the empty space?
Getting rid of Facebook, Instagram - need advice
What Hozier lyric(s) is this for you?
Y'all what lyrics is this??
[lyrics] Midnight Storm
Midnight Storm
My doctor doesn’t believe in ADHD
Trying out new brushes
Which Ipad is best
Winter Girl, Alternative-Gap-5722, Digital, 2025
fav song lyric?
Is there anything I could be doing to get more out of my studies?
Completed my First Ever Gouache Painting!
New to gouache
How do you get yourself to loosen up?
Fun with warm and cool colors
What’s a Song You Love Singing but Can’t Quite Nail Yet?
How do I stop being so tough on my art?
If I use a grid on my references, will it help or hinder my evolution as an artist?
Devilish, me/nicksirotich, ink on paper, 2024
Chord closure tension
Please procreate I’m begging you.
i’m allergic to using any brush but the 6b sketching pencil
4 hours with watercolor brushes
The lightin was amazing!