Sundays are the worst
Are there genuinly happy couples?
any advice about my male bestfriend?
Alright give me your worst (18 she/her)
Been helping re-roof my mother's house in the cold; roast me warm!
I haven’t even swiped yet…
Been growing out this albo Swiss cheese plant from a single rootless node for months now and it's finally starting to take off. Go lil buddy go!
AIO about my partner using neigbhour pictures to m******
What the best/worst thing someone has said to you in bed?
What is wrong with this?
I see a lot of posts on here from people who have been broken up with, but not many from people who initiated the breakup.
Anyone here who slept around after the break up?
My gf who is 14 years older than me broke up with me telling me I'm not a men enough for her but just a boy. Is it possible to get back together?
Driving practice test
how many heartbreaks have you endured and which one was the worst?
How can I save this ficus(rubber plant) no
Has anyone made a complete fool of themselves when your partner broke up with you?
What would you say to your ex right now?
Reminder: The person you are missing today is making a conscious decision each day to not have you in their life and thats all the closure you need
Should I have settled?
Has my ex narcisistic traits?
I broke up with my ex
What made you decide to marry your wife?
Why do I feel guilty when I remember some stupid questions from my childhood?
Can I send copies of the prescription to the CNS?