Is it to early thinking about the next bundle?
Duelist costume + Boreth Hood = Cool Faceless Phantom
15th Anniversary Bundle releases on March 11th for PC and April 8th for Console
Borticus response involving the anniversary bundle on bluesky
Looking for name suggestions
Dear DECA, I have a nitpick: Why are the rank options on canon uniforms missing for my DSC MW Cyborg? (
Anniversary bundle
Section 31 Rifle coming to Consoles March 28th.
Phoenix Prize Pack Event
Here's my DECA please wishlist
My DECA please list:
Ship interiors
Experimental Power build design and the story of my experiment.
New ship incoming?
Console leaks strike again
When is klingon recruitment event?
What was your best buy?
New to the game
UACM division reporting for duty
Open letter to DECA: The Alliance.
Ark royal
New xb uniform