Myrwn playing Vex top vs Ambessa in LEC and destroy her
Phreak did an amazing job of getting Karma out of pro
Top lane feels so useless right now (Rank is Dia for reference)
Help with Morde jungler
Why does Mel have a 45% WR but a 60% ban rate?
Shyvana had a VGU right ?
Perma slow poke Ashe might be back
Players will no longer receive Honor Capsules and Orbs for leveling up their Honor
How much would Barbarian Sion skin cost if it was released today?
Biscuit + 90 HP Green smite + 250 HP Bloodline + 85 HP (+425 HP Unending Despair from runes)
How to make my star player sell jerseys?
I miss simpler skins that aren't so overloaded.
K’Sante is probably one of the best Deadman’s Plate users
Buying Malignance or Luden’s on Ahri = griefing Blackfire Torch and Seraph’s Embrace are 100x better
Serylda’s Grudge is mostly a bait item on Zed, Black Cleaver is superior in most games
Stridebreaker, Sundered Sky, Iceborn Gauntlet
I think we can all see what's happening on Twitter.
We are not going to give up we want the Hextech chests back
Hypothetical build and runes to maximize mushroom damage?
Huma and Chovy using the new precision tree buff with true damage on Smolder
Which European country offers the greatest ease for bringing foreigners?
Teemo Jgl build?
FM24 Best Youth Academies
Starting to play or changing roles used to be fun
Esports World Cup announces three year partnership with Riot Games