Mail face protectors worn by American and French tank gunners. Ricicourt (Meuse), 12 October 1918.
Is 50€ an ok price for a PMG?
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What do you think of my 2000s Afghanistan US soldier
Books about WW1
Where do I post stuff if I want to know from which time period a certain object is?
Wassup nerds, I need a hand
My collection so far
I’ve earned my cape(s)!! Visors too!
What is the worst stratagem in your opinion
What’s your favorite bug loadout?
FACT CHECK Stickers for SUPER EARTH citizens! (Made by me, feel free to use it :D)
Stratagem idea: Autocannon Fast Recon Vehicle
Who is this? (Wrong answers only)
where do i ask for 2000 yard stare variations
What’s the best community for military/tactical cosplays?
*Salute* for a fallen helldive
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Lot of ww2 German letters
Putting 3D printed armor on plate carriers
U.S. Marines looking at a poster aboard a landing craft during the landing on Tarawa. November 1943.
I don't need em, but the rookie does...
where does this go?
More German Photos
Touchin' Tips for Democracy.