Should I pull more on the Collab?
Advice on travelling to party cities alone
What would you remove from shining Nikki ?
QueerSFF 2025 Reading Challenge
Name an obscure fantasy novel and lose a point for every person who says they’ve read it
Question: Is it weird that a friend had one of my painting tattooed on him without my permission?
Looking for a novel where the magic feels like actual magic
Books that are better in print than ebook
Have you ever stopped reading a series or book that you liked because the author let his or her politics be known in the book? If so what book was it and what made you stop reading?
Fall Exchange Thank You
My opinion on Japan- so far
Where are you worldbuilding?
Do you read fantasy short stories? Why/why not?
Practical Tech Help - Securing Your Life, in three easy steps (and inspiration)
There is work to do, witches. Pick your strategy. Find your community. Be brave.
I'm Julie Leong, author of The Teller of Small Fortunes. Ask Me Anything!
i can’t finish the set.
Trip Report: New England Road Trip
Indies vs mainstream fragrance
Recommendations for affordable London fog/earl grey perfume scents? (or other tea scents)
What are your TOPs?
Cocoapink vs Poesie: where should I start
Hi! I'm Gryffin Murphy, author of Love At First Lance. Ask me anything!
Can't dye awakened outfit?