Am I the only one who finds this hot?
Give me your most foul pickup line
Which mirror color and shape?
Women are so cute and I think they are available for sale
Tell me you’re a parent, without telling me, in one sentence
Therapists of Reddit; What’s something you wish you had done/known before starting school?
Cannot find a job. What do I do?
Where do you want to sit?
Dating on Her
AITA for refusing to let my boyfriend move in with me because of his bad habits?
Am i gaslighting him?
Settle our debate - which way does the doormat go?
When did you stop letting your kids see you naked?
Let’s hear it!!
Asexual lesbians?
What can I do to look better?
Almost done…what’s missing?
Why are we still using the Master Doc?
Florence Pugh
Help me find this dress?
If you were to send a telepathic message to all humans (including people of other languages, it will be automatically translated) on Earth. They will not know you were the one who said it. What do you say?