Kayn is disgusting
I dont really want Shyvana to be gameplay reworked
Anyone else in low elo got a 0% Win rate against Xin Zhao
Toplaner TPing bot for 1 kill and losing first turret is an epedemic
Factual tier list
Is the music of Brothership to the same level as the previous games?
Best Poppy Skin
Alternate name for "base bitch" that isnt vulgar sounding?
Can I get some tips to raise my Econ, I play whats fun and dont look up meta teams
Hit masters mainly on viego, wanted to give some tips
Am i crazy or are character augments rare in this set
2025 Jungle tier list in the opinion of a gold player AMA
What item is this?
How do I get to this platform???
Mord has 0 cc, yes.
What is a good area to get to a high level in mario and luigi bowser's inside story 3ds?
piratefolk at this point just be tryna hate on anything for any possible reason lmao
If zoro was getting damaged by Hawkins while fighting big mom, he would be wanked to Yonko+
Why the lack of Koopalings in Brothership when it’s very important to Junior’s arc? Does anyone know why they were left out?
Which game has the best map/areas
Conquer 2 kingdoms in 2 different time lines (ML partners in time)
My biggest issue with (almost) every game
I made Orlon's Hammer (Poppy's weapon) a visual for minecraft!
More bosses would have made the slow pacing alot less noticable