My squat form is awful, I'm looking for replacement exercises.
How I started my microgym
What do kettlebells do for your cardio
How to write tailored programs?
What can I do at the gym as a complete beginner? 20 year old girl!
Is 5 sets of 5 not ideal for beginners?
What do you use to create client meal plans?
Getting started
pls help a skinny girl out here
Question about personal trainer workouts.
Protein intake
Non-Zero-Sum GAINS—something a bit different this week: how to avoid zero-sum dynamics when reaching for a health & fitness goal.
Goal weight for 6’6”
Starting Strength +
Is 3x5 better for beginners?
39 y/o deadlift
Question about body fat
Gym Boredom
Paperwork question
How many calories does weightlifting burn?
Do You Think It’s True That 90% of Personal Trainers Quit Within 3-6 Months?
Is this just a dumb idea for me?
Thoughts on rucking?
Am I working out too little/lower weights if I don't get sore muscles?