Great Job MAGA 👍🏻
When do people start treating you differently because of age?
In your opinion, what is the most disappointing band of all time?
Farmers Starting to Realize the Impact of Trump's Decisions on Their Livelihoods – Is it Too Late?
Said goodbye to my lovely boy on Friday
What are the unhealthiest foods that should be completely avoided, even during a cheat meal?
What's worse--aging itself or loneliness?
He gave me 20 years
Do you still have sex?
A certain subreddit convinced me I can’t put a tv here. But what am I supposed to do with this space? (Also everyone asks why there isn’t a tv there)
2 months today and my heart still aches
What things do you care about less as you age?
What do we think of the new staircase?
How old are you and what were you doing in your life this exact day 42 years ago on Jan 25 1983?
It's over.
What now-classic movies did you see in theaters?
What does my fridge tell you about my mom and I?
New living room is feeling incomplete. What would you do to round it out?
My beautiful companion crossed the rainbow bridge 3weeks ago. He had been failing for sometime with bad hips and incontinence. We found out he had cancer. He was suffering. He was the best dog.
had to say goodbye to my Deezy Baby
In your opinion, what is the optimal age that you would like to die?
Oh my gosh y’all! Have you tried? New to me!
How does this horrible economy end?
What is up with the discourse around oats?